Vicetone,Jordan Powers,Bekah Novi《Animal》全新单曲[高品质MP3+无损FLAC/49MB]百度云网盘下载


Vicetone,Jordan Powers,Bekah Novi《Animal》全新单曲[高品质MP3+无损FLAC/49MB]百度云网盘下载

演唱歌手:,Jordan Powers,Bekah Novi
专辑介绍:打造了火爆全球“黑人抬棺”BGM《Astronomia》的荷兰知名电音组合Vicetone带来他们即将发布的全新专辑《Legacy》的先导曲《Animal (feat. Jordan Powers & Bekah Novi)》!Vicetone是新一代顶级电音制作人,此次的《Animal》仍保持了他们一如既往备受乐迷喜爱的流行电子音乐制作风格。

Animal - Vicetone/Jordan Powers/Bekah Novi文章源自云上仙人-

I feel like I'm an animal
'Cause every time I lose control control
Wanna take a bite and take it off
I feel like I'm an animal
You know
I feel like I'm an animal
'Cause every time I lose control control
Wanna take a bite and take it off
I feel like I'm an animal
You know
I feel like I'm an animal
I feel like you could be my crazy lover
'Cause every time we get a little bit closer
I lose my head and then my heart takes over
My heart takes over
I feel like you could be the king of my kingdom
So come on over if you're feeling vicious
I'll make you lose your head and inhibitions
Yeah you're making me feel
I feel like I'm an animal
'Cause every time I lose control control
Wanna take a bite and take it off
I feel like I'm an animal
You know
I feel like I'm an animal
I feel like I'm an animal
I come alive out in the wild
I come alive out in the wild
I feel like I'm an animal
'Cause every time I lose control control
Wanna take a bite and take it off
I feel like I'm an animal
You know
I feel like I'm an animal
I feel like I'm an animal
I feel like I'm an animal
'Cause every time I lose control control
Wanna take a bite and take it off
I feel like I'm an animal
You know文章源自云上仙人-

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