Ed Sheeran/Taylor Swift《The Joker And The Queen (feat. Taylor Swift)》[高品质MP3格式/7MB]百度云网盘下载


Ed Sheeran/Taylor Swift《The Joker And The Queen (feat. Taylor Swift)》[高品质MP3格式/7MB]百度云网盘下载

音乐专辑:《The Joker And The Queen (feat. )》
演唱歌手:/Taylor Swift
专辑介绍: Ed Sheeran和Taylor Swift联手演绎全新合作曲《The Joker And The Queen》,这也是二人的第四次正式合作,前三次分别是Taylor Swift《Everything Has Changed feat. Ed Sheeran》(2012)、Taylor Swift / Ed Sheeran / Future《End Game》(2017)、Taylor Swift / Ed Sheeran《Run (Taylor’s Version)》(2021)。 

《The Joker And The Queen (feat. Taylor Swift)》 - Ed Sheeran/Taylor Swift文章源自云上仙人-https://www.yunsxr.com/52545.html

How was I to know
It's a crazy thing
I showed you my hand
And you still let me win
And who was I to say
That this was meant to be
The road that was broken
Brought us together
And I know
You could fall for a thousand kings
And hearts
That would give you a diamond ring
When I fold
You see the best in me
The joker and the queen
I've been played before
If you hadn't guessed
So I kept my cards closed
To my foolproof vest
But you called my bluff
And saw through all my tells
And then you went all in
And we left together
And I know
You think that what makes a king
Is gold
A palace and diamond rings
When I fold
You see the best in me
The joker and the queen
And I know
You could fall for a thousand kings
And hearts
That would give you a diamond ring
When I folded
You saw the best in me
The joker and the queen
The joker and the queen文章源自云上仙人-https://www.yunsxr.com/52545.html

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