Imagine Dragons《Bones》全新单曲[高品质MP3格式/7MB]百度云网盘下载


Imagine Dragons《Bones》全新单曲[高品质MP3格式/7MB]百度云网盘下载

专辑介绍:美国摇滚人气天团“梦龙”Imagine Dragons释出全新单曲《Bones》,收录于即将与乐迷见面的全新力作《Mercury – Act 2》之中。文章源自云上仙人-

《Bones》-Imagine Dragons文章源自云上仙人-

Gimme gimme gimme some time to think
I'm in the bathroom looking at me
Face in the mirror is all I need
Wait until the reaper takes my life
Never gonna get me out alive
I will live a thousand million lives
My patience is waning
Is this entertaining
My patience is waning
Is this entertaining
I got this feeling yeah you know
Where I'm losing all control
Cause there's magic in my bones
I got this feeling in my soul
Go ahead and throw your stones
Cause there's magic in my bones
Playing with a stick of dynamite
There was never grey in black and white
There was never wrong till there was right
Feeling like a boulder hurdling
Seeing all the vultures circling
Burning in the flames I'm working in
Turning in a bed that's darkening
My patience is waning
Is this entertaining
My patience is waning
Is this entertaining
I got this feeling yeah you know
Where I'm losing all control
Cause there's magic in my bones
I got this feeling in my soul
Go ahead and throw your stones
Cause there's magic in my bones
Cause there's magic in my bones
Look in the mirror of my mind
Turning the pages of my life
Walking the path so many paced a million times
Drown out the voices in the air
Leaving the ones that never cared
Picking the pieces up and building to the sky
My patience is waning
Is this entertaining
My patience is waning
Is this entertaining
I got this feeling yeah you know
Where I'm losing all control
Cause there's magic in my bones
I got this feeling in my soul
Go ahead and throw your stones
Cause there's magic in my bones
There goes my mind don't mind
There goes my mind
There goes my mind don't mind
There goes my mind
Cause there's magic in my bones文章源自云上仙人-

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