aespa《Life’s Too Short (English Ver.)》单曲[高品质MP3+无损FLAC/51MB]百度云网盘下载


aespa《Life’s Too Short (English Ver.)》单曲[高品质MP3+无损FLAC/51MB]百度云网盘下载

All of this discussion
Talking about nothing
You would ever say to my face
You think your words are Gospel
But they're only trouble
I ain't got the time to waste
You need to get a life
Cause life's too short
You must be bored out your mind
You should really take that nonsense
Somewhere else
Cause you've got to realize
I'm doing me regardless
And I don't care
What you say about it
And it don't matter
If you like it or not
I'm having all this fun so
Why would I ever stop
Doing me regardless
No I don't care
What you say about it
And Imma do it any way
That I want
I'm having all this fun so
Why would I ever stop
Some people are so mean
All behind a phone screen
When we're tryna live our lives
Why you gotta be so vicious
Be about your business
'Stead of getting up in mine
You need to get a life
Cause life's too short
You must be bored out your mind
You should really take that nonsense
Somewhere else
Cause you've got to realize
I'm doing me regardless
And I don't care
What you say about it
And it don't matter
If you like it or not
I'm having all this fun so
Why would I ever stop
Doing me regardless
No I don't care
What you say about it
And Imma do it any way
That I want
I'm having all this fun so
Why would I ever stop
Doing me regardless
Doing me regardless
Why would I ever stop
Oh well
It won't turn your glitter into gold
So why
Are you wasting your time
You should find some
Better seeds to sow
They might grow one day but
Either way
I'm doing me regardless
And I don't care
What you say about it
And it don't matter
If you like it or not
I'm having all this fun so
Why would I ever stop
Doing me regardless
No I don't care
What you say about it
And Imma do it any way
That I want
I'm having all this fun so
Why would I ever stop
Doing me regardless
Life's Too Short
Doing me regardless
Life's Too Short
Why would I ever stop
Doing me regardless
Doing me regardless文章源自云上仙人-

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