袁娅维TIA RAY/22Bullets/KSHMR《It Isn’t Me (with KSHMR)》全新单曲[高品质MP3+无损FLAC/35MB]百度云网盘下载


袁娅维TIA RAY/22Bullets/KSHMR《It Isn’t Me (with KSHMR)》全新单曲[高品质MP3+无损FLAC/35MB]百度云网盘下载

It would be too much for me to tell you goodbye
Don't think I could ever leave I don't wanna try
Cos a little bit of you's enough
I'm okay with only half your love
I'm pretending I believe all your pretty lies
I just wanna keep you close I don't wanna fight
But I know you found somebody new
I know exactly what you do
Talk in your dreams
Now I know all the little secrets that you keep
You're even whispering her name when your asleep
When you wake up I know the one you love
It isn't me
Won't let you know
I hear her voice when you're talking on the phone
But I don't wanna be the one to let you go
It hurts enough to know the one you love
It isn't me
Every shadow in the dark is her silhouette
Swear I'm smellin' her perfume on you again
Getting visions of you on her skin
Silver eyes to match the diamond ring
Would you tell me if I caught you telling me lies
Would you give me more excuses one at a time
Coz I know you found somebody new
I know exactly what you do
Talk in your dreams
Now I know all the little secrets that you keep
You're even whispering her name when your asleep
When you wake up I know the one you love
It isn't me
Won't let you know
I hear her voice when you're talking on the phone
But I don't wanna be the one to let you go
It hurts enough to know the one you love
It isn't me
I'm pretending I believe all your pretty lies
I just wanna keep you close I don't wanna fight
But I know you found somebody new
I know exactly what you do
Talk in your dreams
Now I know all the little secrets that you keep
You're even whispering her name when your asleep
When you wake up I know the one you love
It isn't me
Won't let you know
I hear her voice when you're talking on the phone
But I don't wanna be the one to let you go
It hurts enough to know the one you love
It isn't me文章源自云上仙人-https://www.yunsxr.com/45318.html

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