WARPs UP《HERO_誓》[高品质MP3+无损FLAC/31MB]百度云网盘下载


WARPs UP《HERO_誓》[高品质MP3+无损FLAC/31MB]百度云网盘下载

My hero always lives in that film
主角换我来演 剧本自由发挥
人生这档剧 好难追
There's Yellow&Black&White on the planet that we call the earth
Nobody has blood without red color like a flame
是是非非 谁说了对 混屯暧昧
这时代 等我来 定义概念
答案对错自己选 yeah
Please don't you worry
If you could not love your background
We are living in the greatest(greatest) story that is incomplete yeah
快放下刀械 逃开舒适圈
拥抱梦 闯世界 一关一关破解 someday(someday)
I can be your hero
加速到极限 distance
管它对不对 都已经无所谓
Life's too short to me
没时间浪费 别怀疑 action
轰轰烈烈 胜负对决 无关绝对
这条路 由我来 决定终点
笑着迎接那一天 yeah
Please don't you worry
If you could not love your background
We are living in the greatest(greatest) story that is incomplete yeah
快放下刀械 逃开舒适圈
拥抱梦 闯世界 一关一关破解 someday(someday)
I can be your hero
Wow can you hear that applause?
Wow keep on singing together
脚边的绿叶 遥远的向日葵
都是这世界的点缀 鲜艳了下雨天
是希望的信念 should be proud
Please don't you worry
If you could not love your background
We are living in the greatest(greatest) story that is incomplete yeah
别害怕预言 未知的明天
答应我 要永远 一闪一闪耀眼 glory(glory)
I can be your hero
I can be your hero文章源自云上仙人-https://www.yunsxr.com/44894.html

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  • WARPs UP