李铢衔James《Portrait of you》[高品质MP3+无损FLAC/49MB]百度云网盘下载


李铢衔James《Portrait of you》[高品质MP3+无损FLAC/49MB]百度云网盘下载

The sky is sapphire
Streets are golden
The sun sets in my room
Light colors your hair
Time stands still
I hold my breath as I take in the view
Words can't not begin to say my thoughts on you
I'll paint my heart for you
Your eyes tell the secrets of life
Your lips make me smile like a fool
Someday you'll realize that
You mean the world to me
In the portrait of you
The portrait of you
The sky is sapphire
Streets are golden
The sun sets in my room
Light colors your hair
Time stands still
I hold my breath as I take in the view
Words can't not begin to say my thoughts on you
I'll paint my heart for you
Your eyes tell the secrets of life
Your lips make me smile like a fool
Someday you'll realize that
You mean the world to me
In the portrait of you
The portrait of you文章源自云上仙人-https://www.yunsxr.com/44780.html

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