AGA《What are we gonna do》全新单曲[高品质MP3+无损FLAC/99MB]百度云网盘下载


AGA《What are we gonna do》全新单曲[高品质MP3+无损FLAC/99MB]百度云网盘下载

音乐专辑:《What are we gonna do》
专辑介绍:AGA的靓声演绎,带出按捺那种进退失据的两难,将丧失爱情火花的恋人絮语,化作轻快情歌《What are we gonna do》,抛出爱情路上的一大问号。

《What are we gonna do》 - AGA文章源自云上仙人-

The darkness falls
Falls right into my heart into yours too
And everything
They seem to be so hard to hold on to
But we say I love you
And now they fade
They seem to fade away we want it to
And every song
That reminds me of how we used to do
No longer tell the truth
Why can't I
Just let it fade away
Why can't you
Just let me walk away
Say it today
You gotta head your way
You gonna let me head my way
But Monday Tuesday Wednesday
Thursday Friday everyday I don't know
Why I'll still be thinking about you
I gotta stay true
I don't know why
Don't know why
Don't know why
You gotta love me too
Cause every single song you used to sing to me
Reminds me just how you should be the one for me too
I gotta stay true
I don't know why
Don't know why
Don't know why
What are we gonna do
And now they fade
They seem to fade away we want it to
And every song
That reminds me of how we used to do
No longer tell the truth
Why can't I
Just let it fade away
Why can't you
Just let me walk away
Say it today
You gotta head your way
You gonna let me head my way
But Monday Tuesday Wednesday
Thursday Friday everyday I don't know
Why I'll still be thinking about you
I gotta stay true
I don't know why
Don't know why
Don't know why
You gotta love me too
Cause every single song you used to sing to me
Reminds me just how you should be the one for me too
I gotta stay true
I don't know why
Don't know why
Don't know why
You gotta love me too
I feel I'll almost break down
I feel I've never been so down down
You make me feel I'm on a merry-go-around
You make me feel like nothing in this world could go wrong
You got me fall in love but now I fall apart
You make me feel so down
But Monday Tuesday Wednesday
Thursday Friday everyday I don't know
Why I'll still be thinking about you
I gotta stay true
I don't know why
Don't know why
Don't know why
You gotta love me too
Cause every single song you used to sing to me
Reminds me just how you should be the one for me too
I gotta stay true
I don't know why
Don't know why
Don't know why
What are we gonna do文章源自云上仙人-

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